Principles of breathing exercises. Indications and contraindications. Breathing technique for losing weight at home. Efficiency and results.
10 April 2024
How to remove belly fat at home. 19 tips on how to remove belly fat for women and men. 6 ways to lose weight and get rid of your belly fat quickly.
2 April 2024
Basic principles of the watermelon diet. Pros and cons of losing weight using melon pulp. Menu of diets designed for 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. How to properly end and exit a diet.
25 March 2024
People go on a gluten-free diet either for vital reasons or for the purpose of losing weight. Features of this diet, a list of prohibited and permitted foods, a menu for the week and recipes are further in the article.
5 December 2023
How to deal with strong allergens. Allowed hypoallergenic products for allergic reactions. What should you exclude from your diet?
26 November 2023
With the help of the buckwheat diet, you can lose 5, 7, 10 kg in 7 days, and also improve your health. The specially designed menu for every day is quite simple and easy to prepare.
18 November 2023
Benefits and harms, calorie content, choosing the right watermelon for weight loss. Watermelon diet minus 10 kg per week.
10 November 2023
Protein diet as a method of losing weight. How to lose weight? Advantages and disadvantages of following a protein diet. What results can be achieved?
2 November 2023
The benefits of running for weight loss and more. How to run to burn fat: basic rules. How many calories are burned when running?
31 October 2023
General principles of the smoothie diet, its advantages and disadvantages, are there any contraindications. Basic ingredients that can be used to make drinks. Rules for compiling a menu, an approximate diet for a week. Weight loss reviews.
18 August 2022
There are many very-very diets, but they are all ineffective. The most effective diet is the one based on proper nutrition.
26 June 2022
What are the most effective fat burners for women for weight loss. We will tell you which sports nutrition is better to choose and what you can cook at home or buy at a pharmacy.
19 June 2022
Advantages and disadvantages of a low-carb diet, allowed and prohibited foods, diet options and the nuances of their implementation.
10 June 2022
The basic principles of a carbohydrate-free diet and its effectiveness. An example of a diet menu for a week, lists of allowed and prohibited foods. Original recipe ideas.
27 May 2022
Morning fitness training as an effective way to lose weight. Yoga asanas and strength exercises for the morning workout.
13 May 2022
General principles and methods of losing weight at home: cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism, correcting nutrition and physical activity.
26 March 2022
How can you lose weight in a month. Psychological aspect. How to lose weight in a few months. How to lose weight by combining diet and exercise. Drawing up an individual weight loss plan.
13 March 2022
How to prepare and consume smoothies for weight loss and body cleansing. Recipes and secrets of making a delicious drink at home.
26 February 2022
How to lose weight? Take care of yourself, love and accept yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages. Determine for yourself the motivation for losing weight, which will be your driving force to achieve your ideal weight.
20 February 2022
How to lose weight quickly and effectively in 4 weeks? A hearty egg diet will help you quickly lose those extra pounds. Learn about effective egg diet menus, as well as weight loss reviews.
14 January 2022
To date, there are many diets that are designed to help people lose weight, one of the most popular and effective is Dr. Dukan's diet. Read more about the features of its compliance in the material.
14 January 2022
The Mediterranean diet is a special diet based on products from 16 Mediterranean countries. Basic principles of adherence to a diet and an example of a menu for a week.
9 January 2022
Every girl wants to be attractive. To do this, you need to eat right while maintaining weight. This article will help you create a menu for a month according to the fractional nutrition system and achieve a result.
9 January 2022
Features of fat burning products and their effect on the body. List of the main foods to help you lose weight. Features of a fat burning diet.
9 January 2022
Japanese Diet 14 days menu and diagram, learn more about the incredibly popular diet.
20 December 2021
Many women are interested in the question of how to lose 10 kg in a month without harm to health. What methods can you use in order not to harm your health? 3 steps on the way to losing weight - cleansing the body, changing the diet, physical activity.
19 December 2021
Losing weight by 5 kg in a week is possible. There are a myriad of ways, including mono diets, exercise, and beauty treatments.
1 September 2021
We find out how the blood group diet works: which foods are allowed, which are contraindicated for each blood group.
2 August 2021
The basic principles of nutrition in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational in pregnant women. Prohibited and permitted products, sweeteners and hypoglycemic products.
6 July 2021
You always want to lose weight not only effectively, but also simply. By giving preference to the Maggi protein diet, you can lose up to 20 kg in a month, while not exhausting yourself with hunger.
30 June 2021
What should be in the diet for pancreatitis? A dietitian practitioner gives advice. Shopping list, diet plan, recipes.
27 June 2021
Obesity is a disease of men and women. How to effectively deal with the disease, simple exercises for losing weight on the abdomen at home, breathing exercises.
19 June 2021
Lazy Diets: Water Lazy Diet, Seven Day Diet, Effective Salt Free Diet, Mixed Diet, Seven Day Rice Diet.
8 June 2021
Losing weight at home is no different from losing weight in the gym (after all, the body is the same) and consists of four components: diet, cardio load, exercise complex, sports nutrition.
31 May 2021
Everything about the low-carb ketogenic diet - mechanism of action, types, prohibited and allowed foods, snacks, side effects and minimizing them, supplements. Answers to the most frequently asked questions from those who are losing weight on the keto diet. Approximate 7-day ketogenic diet menu.
20 May 2021
Effective light weight loss diets, advantages and disadvantages of a light weight loss diet, possible contraindications, a light diet for 7 days, the effectiveness of fast weight loss techniques, light weight loss diets, reviews.
21 March 2021
How to lose 10 kg in a month at home, how many kg can you lose in a month, is it really possible to lose 10 kg in one month, how much you need to eat, a weight loss menu, what dietary habits will help you lose weight, weight loss diets, weight loss exercises, reviews.
10 March 2021
How the kefir diet for weight loss works, the choice of kefir, the options and menus of the kefir diet for 3 and 7 days, the right way out of the diet.
12 January 2021
6 petal diet: essence and principle of work. Menu sequence and example. Diet exit rules.
11 January 2021
The need to follow a diet for gout, prohibited and permitted food ingredients. The consequences of not following the diet. Examples of menus for every day, recipes for cooking.
6 January 2021
How much you can lose weight in 1 week, 4 ways to lose weight (diet, exercise, stress management, thinking), 16 tips on how to lose weight without self-torture, 7 psychological tricks for weight loss.
6 January 2021
How to lose seven kilograms in one week: nutrition and diet development, daily physical education, useful tips.
6 January 2021
How the watermelon diet for weight loss works: advantages and disadvantages, options, the right way out of the diet. How to avoid hurting yourself while losing weight: helpful tips.
10 December 2020
Drinking diet: how funneling extra pounds? The essence of drinking diet. The opinion of doctors on this method of weight loss. Who should not go on the liquid menu. Principles of food, rules of preparation and permitted foods.
12 June 2020
Diet for pancreatitis and its treatment.
12 June 2020
Eating habits for gastritis. What foods can be eaten and what can not. Detailed menus for therapeutic diets.
14 May 2020
Japanese diet. Rules of the Japanese diet. Benefits. Disadvantages. Contraindications. The Japanese diet 14 days menu.
8 May 2020
Protein diet for weight loss menu for a week, the list of allowed foods
6 April 2020
Five reasons to start eating healthy food to lose weight! You will learn which foods included in the diet for proper nutrition and which will need to be deleted. Sample menu and recipes for weight loss
4 April 2020
Most people who struggle with excess weight, immediately resorted to the restriction of supply. A huge number of diet promises dieters to save them from extra pounds quickly and effectively.
3 April 2020
The Dukan diet is developed by an experienced nutritionist and gives a good stable result in most cases. Positive reviews confirm that in this way it is possible to lose weight without feeling discomfort from the stomach and intestines.
5 March 2020
Along with diet sports house should become a key element in weight loss program. Physical exercises burn calories, which leads to healthy weight loss.
3 March 2020
To lose weight in a week will help you with proper nutrition and exercise. Weekly diet – quick response to long-plaguing question.
3 March 2020
Buckwheat diet is one of the hard mono-diet, which has allowed only buckwheat porridge. If you don't like buckwheat, it is, of course, to stand two weeks of this diet for you will be not under force.
3 March 2020
"Lifeline" at the waist — a problem familiar to many women. You too? Then try these proven exercises for weight loss belly and sides
5 January 2020
In the case of the rapid weight loss you'll have to tune in to certain limitations, as well as to stock a huge force of will. Diet plays a key role in the process of losing weight, it is important to choose the right basket of products.
23 December 2019
Keto diet – power system with low carbohydrate intake , high fat intake and moderate protein intake.
23 December 2019
The diversity of diets will help you lose weight in a month, a week or even 3 days. But is it harmless for the body? The best diet is a proper diet and exercise, but they will lead the body into the desired shape without harm.
19 December 2019
To lose weight without dieting follow these uncomplicated and simple explanations.
22 November 2019